Σάββατο 30 Ιανουαρίου 2016

EMA: Decisions of the 5th Council Meeting "Case Symeon Symeonidis" (Basel, December 2015)

Δημοσιεύουμε στο περιοδικό μας ΣΤΙΒΟΣ+ΣΠΟΡ μετά από την σχετική ενημέρωσή μας από τον Αγαπητό Ρουμάνο Συναθλητή μας Valeriu Rosetnic, τον οποίον και ευχαριστούμε θερμά την παρακάτω είδηση χωρίς κανένα σχόλιο. Η «κρίση» είναι αρμοδιότητα της Δικαιοσύνης σύμφωνα με το εν Ελλάδι ισχύον Αθλητικόν Δίκαιον και τις Διεθνείς Συνθήκες όπως αυτές ισχύουν και εφαρμόζονται εις την χώρα μας, την πρώτην διδάξασα το «ΕΥ ΑΓΩΝΙΖΕΣΘΑΙ»!..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: valeriu rosetnic <vrosetnic@yahoo.com>
Date: 2016-01-27 23:03 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fw: Decisions Basel Meeting
To: Sofia Frangoudi-Vogiatzi <sofigraf2010@gmail.com>

In view of the OEVAS elections this week I would be very happy if you distributed the decisions of the EMA Council last December in your online magazine. Debating the fraud case of Symeon Symeonidis they decided thet the Greek athlete should resign from all positions he holds. Best regards from Bucharest,

On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 6:33 PM, Helena Carvalho <helena@evaa.ch> wrote:

Dear all

As usual you can find attached  the decisions of Council Meeting, Basel  Dez 2015

Best regards

Helena Pires de Carvalho
EMA Secretary


 - Cooperation with WMRA – WMMRC – EAMRC/EMMRC   -  Josep Maria Antentas will contact Bruno Gozelini to work in co-operation of EMA Mountain Running Championships.

-Financial Matters
- Auditors - EMA in the future will have external / independent auditors appointed by the Board from an international company, chose by the Council

- Council Matters
- The registration of EMA  in Lausanne is done.
- EOGA –  to be on 31st March 2016, at 08:30 at Ancona, Palaindoor. the Agenda must be sent to all Affiliates 45 days before EOGA at Ancona.
- The Constitution – Jean Thomas will work with Pierre Weiss on the last version. This version must be sent to all Affiliates and to Council Members 90 days before EOGA at Ancona (done).

- Championships 2017 – 2019 -  biddings: - Mountain (EMMRC) 2017 and 2019 - requested; - Marathon (EMMC) 2017 and 2019 - requested; - Non-Stadia (EMACNS) 2018 - - requested; Indoor (EMACI) 2018 – Apeldoorn (NED) approved; Stadia /EMACS) 2019 Jesolo (ITA) bidding to be voted at EOGA in EMACI 2016 Ancona on 31st March.

- EVAA/EMA Website – EMA Council decided for option D (layout will be changed in steps over three years) presented by Nicola Russi. The contract must be in English and sent to EMA.

-Insurance of the Council and Officers - Council members request to Mr. Christian Stangl a written proposal for EMA insurance  in English and to send it to EMA as soon as possible.

-EBM -  Silke Schmidt (GER) and - David Heath (GB & NI)
- New criteria of EBM: accepted unanimously by the Council - Athletes must participate in a European Championship in the year of proposal as EBM.

- TCFPA - EMA Council decided by majority to nominate Mattias Sunneborn (SWE) as TCFPA 2015.