Σάββατο 18 Οκτωβρίου 2014

ΣΤΙΒΟΣ+σπορ: Επιστολές που λάβαμε: του Ventseslav Ivanov και του Dan Marinescu

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Επιστολές που λάβαμε:
του Ventseslav Ivanov
και του Dan Marinescu

Η εφημερίδα «Μεταρρύθμισις» και το περιοδικό ΣΤΙΒΟΣ+σπορ δέχθηκαν τις παρακάτω επιστολές από τους φίλους  Βετεράνους Αθλητές Στίβου Ventseslav Ivanov και Dan Marinescu, τους οποίους ευχαριστούμε θερμά για τις ενημερώσεις τους που αφορούν την διόρθωση της ηλικιακής ομάδας που ανήκει πραγματικά ο Petar Panayotov, που γράφτηκε «εκ παραδρομής» στην ηλικιακή ομάδα M70 αντί του ορθού ομάδας M75 στους Βαλκανικούς που διεξήχθησαν στην Λάρισα το 2010 και το Βαλκανικό ρεκόρ που σημείωσε στους αγώνες αυτούς στην κατηγορία του στο αγώνισμα της δισκοβολίας.

Letters we received:
of Ventseslav Ivanov
and Dan Marinescu

The newspaper "Metarrythmisis" and sports magazine
STIVOS+spor received the following letters from friends Veteran Athletes in Athletics Ventseslav Ivanov and Dan Marinescu, whom we thank for their updates on the correct age group that really belongs Petar Panayotov, written 'inadvertently' age group M70 instead of the correct group M75 in the Balkan held in Larissa in 2010 and the Balkan record made ​​therein of the category winner in the discus.

Our Greek colleague Odysseas Agros was so kind to bring to Bucharest the original hand-written protocols from Discus throw M70 and M75 from BAVACS 2010 in Larissa (Greece).
I received them from Zdravka (the President of the Bulgarian Masters Federation) this week, and today scanned them.

As you can see in the enclosed file, in Larissa my colleague Petar Panayotov was written by mistake in the age group M70 instead of the correct group M75. You can easily check in the lists of participants in the last several BAVACS, as well as in the list of BAVACS records (discus, shot put), that the birth-date of Mr. Panayotov is 2 April 1935 (I guarantee 100 % that this is his birth-date), so in Larissa in September 2010 he was already M75.
His result in Larissa - 35.58 m - was exactly 6.00 meters (!) better than the previous BAVACS record - 29.58 m. However, instead of being registered as BAVACS record in M75, this result was not even written in the official protocols with the results from BAVACS 2010 (check them if available).
This caused great frustration to Mr. Panayotov and me in the last years.

Again, please check the enclosed original (hand-written) protocols.

But now, due to the fruitful cooperation of Odysseas, we are able to correct this injustice which continued for 4 years (by the way, this gives me hope that Odysseas will be a reliable partner of ours in the next years).

So, I would like to ask our Romanian colleagues (Dan, Valeriu) to correct the BAVACS record in discus throw M75 to 35.58 m (holder: Petar Panayotov, Bulgaria, birth-date 2 April 1935, date of setting the record - 18 September 2010, venue: Larissa, Greece). As far as I can see on BAVACS 2014 website, the new BAVACS records are still not published. So I hope I am not late with this request.

Mr. Panayotov has even a better results in discus throw M75 - 36.28 m, set during an official competition in Sofia on 16 May 2010, but this result will hopefully be included in the list of Balkan records (different from BAVACS records), which will be prepared in the next months by all of us.

Greetings to you all, and have a nice weekend,
Dear Ventsi,
I made the correction on BAVACS 2014 site. Please clear the cache of your browser before accesing the site again.

Sorry I had no time to update BAVACS records with the results from Bucharest. The candidates are generated automatically but carefull checkings of the athlets and age groups should be performed manualy...

The next that is planned is the publishing of the full book of results (including wind values, all attempts for jumpings, throwings etc) and afterwards the update of the BAVACS records.

Best regards,